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Posts Tagged ‘Anglija’

Apie CE Organizaciją Lietuviškai ;)

Daugiau INFO





35. Britanija

Jungtinė Karalystė



Susideda iš Anglijos, Škotijos, Velso ir Šiaurės Airijos bei keletos kitų mažų teritorijų.

Sostinė – Londonas.

Šalies santvarka – konstitucinė monarchija.

Dabartinis Valdovas – Karalienė Elizabeth II.

Bendras plotas: 244 820 km²

Gyventojų sk.: 62,3 mln. (2011)

Valiuta: svaras sterlingas.



Jos Karališkoji Didenybė Elžbieta Antroji (2011)




Nuorodos pasiskaitymui

6. prasidėjo evakuacija (2011.02)
5. lietuviai liks lietuviais (2011.10)
4. patraukliausia šalis (2011.12)
3. grįžtų namo (2012.01)
2. 1as legalus lietuvis Anglijoje
1. pernai emigravo … (2011.03)



HM Queen Elizabeth II – Diamond Age (2012)



Kas moka angliškai – tam turėtų būti įdomu. Tai paaiškinimas apie visą JK.



Princesės Elžbietos karūnavimas (1953)



Karališkosios vestuvės (2011)



London Eye, UK 04-09-2010



Vieno iš lietuvių kelias iš Lietuvos į Britaniją



Kuo galima tapti Jungtinėje Karalystėje









33. Великобритания




Столица – г. Лондон.

Площадь: 242514 км².

Население: 62 млн.

Глава государства – королева Елизавета II.



2. Регионы Великобритании
1. Uk.Ru |Англия,Великобритания,Английская история|язык, работа, учеба, English topics



Ее Величество Королева Елизавета II (2011)




HM Queen Elizabeth II – Diamond Age (2012)



Кто знает английский – должно быть интересно. Речь идет о всей Великобритании.



Коронация Принцессы Елизаветы (1953)



Королевская свадьба (2011)



London Eye, UK 04-09-2010



Один эмигрант из Литвы















Differences between UK, GB and more :)

Useful video. Easy understand 😉





Moments from Bridgwater Town, UK ;)

We Updated our page about Bridgwater Town.



You can take a look here





Google Chrome ;)

If You can’t browse properly through this website – use Google Chrome or update Your Firefox to 17.0 😉


Jeigu sunkiai krauna puslapius – rekomenduojame naršyti su Google Chrome arba Firefox 17.0 😉


Если трудно просматривать этого сайта – используйте Google Chrome или Firefox 17.0 😉





From Lithuania to United Kingdom







Screenplay R.E.M.I. is releast!

R.E.M.I. (Real Embody of My Identity)



205 pages (total). Based on true story.

Genre : Drama.


‘Nobody from Nowhere to Somebody from Somewhere’


A young simple person, Remi, was just dreaming to live in the UK. Why? Because Lithuania is … nice country, but people …

And one day – it just happened. Finally 20 year old you man  from Lithuania moved to in the UK. Why did he leave? How was it? Easy, hard or … very interesting …

At first – it wasn’t very easy. Everything is new, unseen. First very important destiny – to get a job. Second – English language.

Chosen. What does it mean ‘be chosen’? Why he got this job, but not other ‘better’ people?

What kind of people worked with Remi? How They helped him to ‘move on’?

Remi met many interesting British people and many from other countries. He saw new lifestyle which he never had before. New home, job … life.

British people helped Remi to learn English. And how was he studying it? What experience did he get? Who is ‘Teddy Bear’ and ‘shaggy boys’?

How does it feel to be ‘different’? Different, because you are just … a foreigner.

Always smiles at work and is ‘frozen’ at home. Everybody has got dreams. And what about Remi? What he wanna? What he need?

So … what is Real Embody of his Identity?

It all in 4 years (2007 – 2010) … What he saw, found, got, learned.





London Eye, 2010





3. Bridgwater town

Bridgwater Town





Bridgwater town videos

on YouTube, eShark UK Channel



Bridgwater Town Council Website



1 hour in Bridgwater town, Somerset, England, United Kingdom















