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Posts Tagged ‘Bridgwater’

12. ‘R.E.M.I. 2’ (2014)

R.E.M.I. 2 : Reflections

Real Embody of My Identity



Written by Remi Mičiulis (Feb 2014)



Story about Lithuanian born foreigner’s life in the UK (Bridgwater town, Somerset, England)

Genre :


Logline :

‘Nobody from Nowhere to Somebody from Somewhere’

Synopsis :

Based on a true story.

Based on a true story. Second part.

A young simple person, Remi, was dreaming to live in the UK. Lithuania is nice country, but people … And one day it happened – 20 years old young man moved to the UK. New life experience, language barrier and willingness to find his true identity leads him to …



If You are looking for answer to ‘Who am I?’ – stop.  Because … answer is inside You.


Most important part of film is Embodiment. Who is that person? What he want? Can simple person be Lucky? Dreams, wishes and so on. That’s why this story may be interesting for most of us. Anyone can ask it self ‘What is Real Embody of My Identity?’ It means ‘Who I am?’ and ‘Where I am going?’. And this is real life.


Registered The Script Vault Ltd. UK




R.E.M.I. 2 : Atspindžiai

R.E.M.I. = T.M.A.P. = Tikroji Mano Asmenybės Pusė

Istorija apie lietuvį, kuris išvyko gyventi į Jungtinę Karalystę.

Žanras :


Frazė :

‘Niekas iš Niekur į Kažkas iš Kažkur’

Aprašymas :

Parašyta remiantis tikra istorija. Antra dalis.

Jaunas paprastas žmogus, Remis, tiesiog svajoja gyventi Jungtinėje Karalystėje. Kodėl? Nes Lietuva yra … graži šalis, tačiau žmonės …

Ir vieną dieną – tai tiesiog atsitiko – 20 metų vyras iš Lietuvos persikėlė gyventi į Jungtinę Karalystę. Nauja gyvenimo patirtis, kalbos barjeras ir noras atrasti patį save nuveda jį link …


Jei Jūs ieškote atsakymo: ‘Kas aš esu?’ – Stop. Nes … Atsakymas yra jūsų viduje.


Svarbiausia filmo dalis yra įsikūnijimas. Kas tas žmogus? Ko jis nori? Ar gali paprastas žmogus būti laimingas? Svajonės, norai ir pan. Štai kodėl ši istorija gali būti įdomi daugeliui iš mūsų. Kiekvienas gali savęs paklausti ‘Kokia Tikroji Mano Asmenybės Pusė?’ Tai yra ‘Kas aš esu?’ ir ‘Kur aš einu?’ Ir tai yra realus gyvenimas.


Scenarijus užregistruotas The Script Vault Ltd. UK, Didžioji Britanija

















05 Apr 2014

2nd Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I. 2: Reflections

81 page.



28 Feb 2014

Screenplay R.E.M.I. 2 : Reflections

95 pages.



Remi – Teddy song (2013)

Teddy song



More info about this song







9. ‘Teddy’ (2012)

Song lyrics ‘Teddy’



Written by Remi Mičiulis (Dec 2012)


Music copyright belongs to (as we know): Александр Меньшиков


This is NON-Profit song. CE does NOT earn any money for the song ‘Remi – Teddy song’.





For Male Singer


Every time I am lonely
I remember you only
You my cuddly friend
Who I’ll always tend

Wanna see you every day
But you so far away
It’s always been the same
Don’t tell me it’s a game

I am your teddy, I am your joy
I am your toy, I am your boy
Perfect – as you always dreamed
As no one ever would believed

I believe in magic
So don’t be another tragic
Lonely lonely girl
Living on its own still

Give a chance to show you
How much I love you
I’ll show you rainbow in the sky
And we will fly – just you and I

I am your teddy, I am your joy
I am your toy, I am your boy
Perfect – as you always dreamed
As no one ever would believed

I’ll come back to see you soon
In the shine of the Moon
I will ask you for a date
Don’t you dare to shut the gate

I will get you by my side
You are always on my mind
Just be lovely as you are
And I’ll never go too far

I am your teddy, I am your joy
I am your toy, I am your boy
Perfect – as you always dreamed
As no one ever would believed





For Female Singer


Every time I am lonely
I remember you only
You my cuddly friend
I’ll never let you lend

Wanna see you every day
But you so far away
It’s always been the same
Don’t tell me it’s a game

You my teddy, you my joy
You my toy, you my boy
Perfect – as I always dreamed
As no one ever would believed

I believe in magic
But I don’t wanna be another tragic
Lonely lonely girl
Living on its own still

Give a chance to show you
How much I love you
I’ll show you rainbow in the sky
And we will fly – just you and I

You my teddy, you my joy
You my toy, you my boy
Perfect – as I always dreamed
As no one ever would believed

I’ll come back to see you soon
In the shine of the Moon
I will ask you for a date
Don’t you dare to shut the gate

I will get you by my side
You are always on my mind
Just be lovely as you are
And I’ll never go too far

You my teddy, you my joy
You my toy, you my boy
Perfect – as I always dreamed
As no one ever would believed



Bridgwater Carnival 2012






8. Minds




























































Moments from Bridgwater Town, UK ;)

We Updated our page about Bridgwater Town.



You can take a look here





From Lithuania to United Kingdom







River Parrett, UK





1. ‘R.E.M.I.’ (2010)


Real Embody of My Identity



Written by Remi Mičiulis (Sep 2010)





Story about Lithuanian born foreigner’s life in the UK (Bridgwater town, Somerset, England)

Genre :


Logline :

‘Nobody from Nowhere to Somebody from Somewhere’

Synopsis :

Based on a true story.

A young simple person, Remi, was dreaming to live in the UK. Lithuania is nice country, but people … And one day it happened – 20 years old young man moved to the UK. New life experience, language barrier and willingness to find his true identity leads him to …


If You are looking for answer to ‘Who am I?’ – stop.  Because … answer is inside You.


Most important part of film is Embodiment. Who is that person? What he want? Can simple person be Lucky? Dreams, wishes and so on. That’s why this story may be interesting for most of us. Anyone can ask it self ‘What is Real Embody of My Identity?’ It means ‘Who I am?’ and ‘Where I am going?’. And this is real life.


Registered The Script Vault Ltd. UK






R.E.M.I. = T.M.A.P. = Tikroji Mano Asmenybės Pusė

Istorija apie lietuvį, kuris išvyko gyventi į Jungtinę Karalystę.

Žanras :


Frazė :

‘Niekas iš Niekur į Kažkas iš Kažkur’

Aprašymas :

Parašyta remiantis tikra istorija.

Jaunas paprastas žmogus, Remis, tiesiog svajoja gyventi Jungtinėje Karalystėje. Kodėl? Nes Lietuva yra … graži šalis, tačiau žmonės …

Ir vieną dieną – tai tiesiog atsitiko – 20 metų vyras iš Lietuvos persikėlė gyventi į Jungtinę Karalystę. Nauja gyvenimo patirtis, kalbos barjeras ir noras atrasti patį save nuveda jį link …


Jei Jūs ieškote atsakymo: ‘Kas aš esu?’ – Stop. Nes … Atsakymas yra jūsų viduje.


Svarbiausia filmo dalis yra įsikūnijimas. Kas tas žmogus? Ko jis nori? Ar gali paprastas žmogus būti laimingas? Svajonės, norai ir pan. Štai kodėl ši istorija gali būti įdomi daugeliui iš mūsų. Kiekvienas gali savęs paklausti ‘Kokia Tikroji Mano Asmenybės Pusė?’ Tai yra ‘Kas aš esu?’ ir ‘Kur aš einu?’ Ir tai yra realus gyvenimas.


Scenarijus užregistruotas The Script Vault Ltd. UK, Didžioji Britanija

















26 Apr 2013

Released 10th Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I.

91 page.



27 Jan 2013

Released 9th Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I.

111 pages.



14 Dec 2012

Released 8th Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I.

106 pages.



25 Oct 2012

Released 7th Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I.

107 pages.



30 Aug 2012

Released 6th Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I.

124 pages.



22 Jul 2012

Released 5th Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I.

122 pages.



22 Apr 2012

Released 4th Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I.

137 pages.



07 Dec 2011

Lady GaGa named in screenplay R.E.M.I.

Screenshots  from Second Edition of R.E.M.I.



06 Nov 2011

Released 3rd Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I.

164 pages.

R.E.M.I. (Real Embody of My Identity)



15 Dec 2010

Enter released Second Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I.

204 pages.

R.E.M.I. (Real Embody of My Identity)



23 Sep 2010

Enter wrote a screenplay

R.E.M.I. (Real Embody of MIdentity)

‘Nobody from Nowhere to Somebody from Somewhere’

89 pages. Based on true story.

20 years old young man from Lithuania moved live to UK. What he saw, found, learned, got.

Registered The Script Vault Ltd. UK



30 May 2010

Enter wrote short story ‘Enter Story’ 2: Living On My Own.

Continue of true story about foreigner person in UK.
Action time: 12 January 2010 – 30 May 2010.
Genre: True story (~75%).
It gas got 38 pages (A4 size).

Soundtracks :
Carola – Invincible
Celine Dion – It’s all coming back to me now
Sonique – It feels so good
Plazma – Lonely






25 Mar 2010

Enter wrote short story ‘Enter Story’ (Breaking Free).

True story about foreigner person (20 years old young man), who arrived live to UK. Wishes, dreams, new lifestyle and experience.
Action time: March 2006 – 11 January 2010.
Genre: True story (~95%).
It has got 45 pages (A4 size).

Soundtracks :
Kelly Family – An Angel
Michael Jackson – Man in the Mirror
Tatu – Not gonna get us
No Mercy – Where do you go






1. Remi Enter


© 2005







Remi website













Couple Words


‘I will never accept people seriously, who are messing with their job.


Enter, 2013


‘That’s life, honey.

Hopes, wishes and broken hearts’

Enter, 2013


‘Love is like a shadow.

You can see it just if You really want it’

Enter, 2013


‘Past is past. It’s cheap and it’s gone.’

Enter, 2013


‘Life is mess. Sort it out!’

Enter, 2012


‘Excessive watching of other people is a perversion.
Look at yourselves,  bitches.’

Enter, 2012


‘Here is very tight line between Woman and monster. On which side You are?’

Enter, 2012


‘Just be
Calm as Belgian,
Clever as Lithuanian,
Friendly as Russian
Kind as British.’

Enter, 2012


‘No matter how many million bitches judge me – I am still ONLY ONE.’

Enter, 2012


‘You are ‘gay’, especially if You are gorgeous, ambitious and young.’

Enter, 2012


‘You on the edge now, so You give me a reason – I give You a push.’

Enter, 2012


I am just a little bitchy prick teaser. Nobody Else.’

Enter, 2011


‘Here me crying on my knees. And I still say – My Life was Perfect.’

Enter, 2011


‘Just because You are better paid – doesn’t mean You are better bitch than Me.’

Enter, 2011


‘If You are looking for answer to ‘Who am I?’ – stop.  Because … answer is inside You.’

Enter, 2010


Lucky lottery ticket is one way ticket to f**k off’.’

Enter, 2010


‘Respect is a thing, which can not be touched, can be seen and must be shown.’

Enter, 2009


‘No matter where I go,
No matter where I’ll be.
I will always stay here.
In Your memories.’

Enter, 2008


‘The biggest monster in the world is here – I can see it every day … in a mirror.’

Enter, 2008


‘If you want to survive between sharks – become a Shark’.

Enter, 2007


‘When easy to get help – It’s easier to help others

Enter, 2007


‘You are also a Teacher. So … insist most on Yourself.’

Enter, 2006


‘The student has only one right he must use – study well.’

Enter, 2003













Who am I? I am REMI!







