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Posts Tagged ‘Remi Miciulis’

43. ‘Hope’ (2018)




Written by

Vaida Mac


Remi Mičiulis

Aug 2018

Based on idea by Vaida Mac



Project Producers





Genre :

Drama (LGBT theme)

Logline :

It’s hidden inside of you

Synopsis :

2 gay couples. Vaida and her girlfriend Anna are in a great relationship, but only until Anna starts demand her to ’’come out of the closet’’.

Remi and his boyfriend Michael are also happy together, until that day when disaster happens …


Registered The Script Vault Ltd. UK









Žanras :

Drama (LGBT tema)

Frazė :

‘Tai paslėpta tavyje’

Aprašymas :

2 poros, gėjų ir lesbiečių. Vaida ir Anna yra pora ir gerai sutaria, tačiau tik iki tada, kai Anna pradeda reikalauti iš Vaidos ”viešo prisipažinimo”.

Remis su savo vaikinu Maiklu taip pat džiaugiasi gerais santykiais, kol vieną dieną nenutinka katastrofa …


Scenarijus užregistruotas The Script Vault Ltd. UK, Didžioji Britanija



LGBT Lithuania



13 pages



LGBTQ flag guide



2. Created by Enter

CE = Created by Enter

© 2008





CE based in 2007, but fully made-up in 2008, so birthday on 30 May 2008.

CE– is a Private Organization.

People, who work for Enter – belong to CE.



Organization has got it own sign, standard sheets, other paper works.



CE is NOT a charity.

But if You want to – You can donate some.



CE Director – Mr. Remigijus Mičiulis (Enter).

CE Destiny.

To create ‘Private Organization’ (PO) foundation. To show what does it mean. How it works.

Win the right for people to create their own ‘Private Organizations’. And record (register) them as a new generation organizations.

Private Organization it’s like ‘Live Social Network’. You work with ideas, pictures, videos, information, projects, … and the main thing – People.

And everything what You done – can be shown on it’s website.

It’s main destiny is join people into groups, use what humankind already got and Create.

… but not destroy.







CE videos are uploaded on:






More information about how to make up Your Private Organization





















1. Remi Enter


© 2005







Remi website













Couple Words


‘I will never accept people seriously, who are messing with their job.


Enter, 2013


‘That’s life, honey.

Hopes, wishes and broken hearts’

Enter, 2013


‘Love is like a shadow.

You can see it just if You really want it’

Enter, 2013


‘Past is past. It’s cheap and it’s gone.’

Enter, 2013


‘Life is mess. Sort it out!’

Enter, 2012


‘Excessive watching of other people is a perversion.
Look at yourselves,  bitches.’

Enter, 2012


‘Here is very tight line between Woman and monster. On which side You are?’

Enter, 2012


‘Just be
Calm as Belgian,
Clever as Lithuanian,
Friendly as Russian
Kind as British.’

Enter, 2012


‘No matter how many million bitches judge me – I am still ONLY ONE.’

Enter, 2012


‘You are ‘gay’, especially if You are gorgeous, ambitious and young.’

Enter, 2012


‘You on the edge now, so You give me a reason – I give You a push.’

Enter, 2012


I am just a little bitchy prick teaser. Nobody Else.’

Enter, 2011


‘Here me crying on my knees. And I still say – My Life was Perfect.’

Enter, 2011


‘Just because You are better paid – doesn’t mean You are better bitch than Me.’

Enter, 2011


‘If You are looking for answer to ‘Who am I?’ – stop.  Because … answer is inside You.’

Enter, 2010


Lucky lottery ticket is one way ticket to f**k off’.’

Enter, 2010


‘Respect is a thing, which can not be touched, can be seen and must be shown.’

Enter, 2009


‘No matter where I go,
No matter where I’ll be.
I will always stay here.
In Your memories.’

Enter, 2008


‘The biggest monster in the world is here – I can see it every day … in a mirror.’

Enter, 2008


‘If you want to survive between sharks – become a Shark’.

Enter, 2007


‘When easy to get help – It’s easier to help others

Enter, 2007


‘You are also a Teacher. So … insist most on Yourself.’

Enter, 2006


‘The student has only one right he must use – study well.’

Enter, 2003













Who am I? I am REMI!







