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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Royal Excellence – Film about saving the monarchies

Royal Excellence



Royal Excellence – Film about saving the monarchies of Europe

More info











Award of Excellence for screenplay ‘R.E.M.I.’ in 2013


Real Embody of My Identity





Lithuanian born Remi was awarded the Award of Excellence in

Canadian International Film Festival this year.

Screenplay ‘R.E.M.I.’ is based on a true story about Lithuanian foreigner’s life in the United Kingdom.



– I am very happy that my screenplay finally did break the ice and it’s going to see the day light.

Thank You to all People who helped me to improve my work. This Project improved me as well.

Remi (CE Director), 2013





2013 CIFF Award Winners and Official Selections



More information about Project ‘R.E.M.I.’



More info about real Remi



More / Daugiau / Больше :)



We added 15 more pages, which will be updated in the nearly future. Hope You enjoy!


Mes pridėjome dar 15 puslapių, kurie bus atnaujinta ateityje. Tikimės, kad Jums patiks!


Мы добавили еще 15 страниц, которые будут обновлены в будущем. Надеемся Вам понравится!



Do NOT enter any Your details on ‘false GMail link’!!!


On 09 Oct 2011 CE Organization has got an email which says:

‘… GMail will add extra 500 GM space on your GMail docs if you will fallow the link and fill up form …’

(GM = ? Maybe should be MB)

A letter contain the link, which links You to another (unknown) page (which looks quit good and serious). You have to fill up your name, username and password. End of senders email is ‘…. .pe’.

Gmail’s Team emails Does NOT have ‘.pe’ or other unusual domains and emails.

Google would NEVER ask You to fill up and ‘apply’ for extra 500MB of ‘some kind of space’.

Do NOT NOT NOT fill up any forms, no matter it looks OK!!! Another way – You may loose Your email account (if wrong people will have You details).

Share this post with Your friends! Let Them know, that that ’email from Google’ is FALSE!

And if You got one of these letters – report about it GMail Team ASAP!

Thank You!



Screenplay R.E.M.I. is releast!

R.E.M.I. (Real Embody of My Identity)



205 pages (total). Based on true story.

Genre : Drama.


‘Nobody from Nowhere to Somebody from Somewhere’


A young simple person, Remi, was just dreaming to live in the UK. Why? Because Lithuania is … nice country, but people …

And one day – it just happened. Finally 20 year old you man  from Lithuania moved to in the UK. Why did he leave? How was it? Easy, hard or … very interesting …

At first – it wasn’t very easy. Everything is new, unseen. First very important destiny – to get a job. Second – English language.

Chosen. What does it mean ‘be chosen’? Why he got this job, but not other ‘better’ people?

What kind of people worked with Remi? How They helped him to ‘move on’?

Remi met many interesting British people and many from other countries. He saw new lifestyle which he never had before. New home, job … life.

British people helped Remi to learn English. And how was he studying it? What experience did he get? Who is ‘Teddy Bear’ and ‘shaggy boys’?

How does it feel to be ‘different’? Different, because you are just … a foreigner.

Always smiles at work and is ‘frozen’ at home. Everybody has got dreams. And what about Remi? What he wanna? What he need?

So … what is Real Embody of his Identity?

It all in 4 years (2007 – 2010) … What he saw, found, got, learned.



