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Posts Tagged ‘Реми’

12. ‘R.E.M.I. 2’ (2014)

R.E.M.I. 2 : Reflections

Real Embody of My Identity



Written by Remi Mičiulis (Feb 2014)



Story about Lithuanian born foreigner’s life in the UK (Bridgwater town, Somerset, England)

Genre :


Logline :

‘Nobody from Nowhere to Somebody from Somewhere’

Synopsis :

Based on a true story.

Based on a true story. Second part.

A young simple person, Remi, was dreaming to live in the UK. Lithuania is nice country, but people … And one day it happened – 20 years old young man moved to the UK. New life experience, language barrier and willingness to find his true identity leads him to …



If You are looking for answer to ‘Who am I?’ – stop.  Because … answer is inside You.


Most important part of film is Embodiment. Who is that person? What he want? Can simple person be Lucky? Dreams, wishes and so on. That’s why this story may be interesting for most of us. Anyone can ask it self ‘What is Real Embody of My Identity?’ It means ‘Who I am?’ and ‘Where I am going?’. And this is real life.


Registered The Script Vault Ltd. UK




R.E.M.I. 2 : Atspindžiai

R.E.M.I. = T.M.A.P. = Tikroji Mano Asmenybės Pusė

Istorija apie lietuvį, kuris išvyko gyventi į Jungtinę Karalystę.

Žanras :


Frazė :

‘Niekas iš Niekur į Kažkas iš Kažkur’

Aprašymas :

Parašyta remiantis tikra istorija. Antra dalis.

Jaunas paprastas žmogus, Remis, tiesiog svajoja gyventi Jungtinėje Karalystėje. Kodėl? Nes Lietuva yra … graži šalis, tačiau žmonės …

Ir vieną dieną – tai tiesiog atsitiko – 20 metų vyras iš Lietuvos persikėlė gyventi į Jungtinę Karalystę. Nauja gyvenimo patirtis, kalbos barjeras ir noras atrasti patį save nuveda jį link …


Jei Jūs ieškote atsakymo: ‘Kas aš esu?’ – Stop. Nes … Atsakymas yra jūsų viduje.


Svarbiausia filmo dalis yra įsikūnijimas. Kas tas žmogus? Ko jis nori? Ar gali paprastas žmogus būti laimingas? Svajonės, norai ir pan. Štai kodėl ši istorija gali būti įdomi daugeliui iš mūsų. Kiekvienas gali savęs paklausti ‘Kokia Tikroji Mano Asmenybės Pusė?’ Tai yra ‘Kas aš esu?’ ir ‘Kur aš einu?’ Ir tai yra realus gyvenimas.


Scenarijus užregistruotas The Script Vault Ltd. UK, Didžioji Britanija

















05 Apr 2014

2nd Edition of screenplay R.E.M.I. 2: Reflections

81 page.



28 Feb 2014

Screenplay R.E.M.I. 2 : Reflections

95 pages.



Remi – Teddy song (2013)

Teddy song



More info about this song







Такова жизнь








SDS Literary Agency and Remi





Joan post





9. ‘Teddy’ (2012)

Song lyrics ‘Teddy’



Written by Remi Mičiulis (Dec 2012)


Music copyright belongs to (as we know): Александр Меньшиков


This is NON-Profit song. CE does NOT earn any money for the song ‘Remi – Teddy song’.





For Male Singer


Every time I am lonely
I remember you only
You my cuddly friend
Who I’ll always tend

Wanna see you every day
But you so far away
It’s always been the same
Don’t tell me it’s a game

I am your teddy, I am your joy
I am your toy, I am your boy
Perfect – as you always dreamed
As no one ever would believed

I believe in magic
So don’t be another tragic
Lonely lonely girl
Living on its own still

Give a chance to show you
How much I love you
I’ll show you rainbow in the sky
And we will fly – just you and I

I am your teddy, I am your joy
I am your toy, I am your boy
Perfect – as you always dreamed
As no one ever would believed

I’ll come back to see you soon
In the shine of the Moon
I will ask you for a date
Don’t you dare to shut the gate

I will get you by my side
You are always on my mind
Just be lovely as you are
And I’ll never go too far

I am your teddy, I am your joy
I am your toy, I am your boy
Perfect – as you always dreamed
As no one ever would believed





For Female Singer


Every time I am lonely
I remember you only
You my cuddly friend
I’ll never let you lend

Wanna see you every day
But you so far away
It’s always been the same
Don’t tell me it’s a game

You my teddy, you my joy
You my toy, you my boy
Perfect – as I always dreamed
As no one ever would believed

I believe in magic
But I don’t wanna be another tragic
Lonely lonely girl
Living on its own still

Give a chance to show you
How much I love you
I’ll show you rainbow in the sky
And we will fly – just you and I

You my teddy, you my joy
You my toy, you my boy
Perfect – as I always dreamed
As no one ever would believed

I’ll come back to see you soon
In the shine of the Moon
I will ask you for a date
Don’t you dare to shut the gate

I will get you by my side
You are always on my mind
Just be lovely as you are
And I’ll never go too far

You my teddy, you my joy
You my toy, you my boy
Perfect – as I always dreamed
As no one ever would believed



77. Реми
















77. Remi pics & name logos

Remi | Remy | Rémi | Rémy



Remy or Rémy is a name of French origin and is associated with the Latin name Remigius.

Remi is a variant of the name Remy which is French in origin and can be used for both boys and girls. Remy is said to mean ‘From Rheims’, which is a town in France. There was a French Saint that bore the name Remi, and this form of the name could be seen as the original spelling.



Lithuanian born Remi





Remi and Lithuanian flag
























2. Мысли












































13. Литва

Литовская Республика




Литва является географическим центром Европы


Литва является единственной из стран Балтии почти восемьсот лет государственности традиции, а его имявпервые упоминается тысячу лет назад, в 1009 году.


Территория 65 200 км²

Население (2011) ~ 3,203,857


Миндовг принял католическое крещение в 1251 году и был коронован 6 июля 1253 года. Он был единственным литовским королём.


Литва находится на северо-востоке Европы и является самой большой и населенной прибалтийской страной. Официальный язык – литовский, однако, около 10% населения – русскоязычные, поэтому больших проблем с языком возникнуть не должно.


Kогда-то Литва простиралась аж до самого Черного моря.


Русская карта Литвы



Президент Литвы

















Невиданная Литва





20. Lithuania

Republic of Lithuania




Lithuania is the Geographic Centre of Europe


Lithuania is the largest and most southerly of the three Baltic republics.


Lithuania is the only Baltic country with nearly eight hundred years of statehood tradition, while its name was first mentioned one thousand years ago, in 1009.


Population (2011) ~ 3,203,857

Area 65,200 km(25,174 sq mi )


Lithuania’s most famous culinary export is perhaps cold beet soup. Potatoes also make a regular appearance on menus, popular dishes being potato pancakes and Cepelinai – potato dumplings stuffed with meat, curd cheese or mushrooms.


Basketball is one of the most popular sports in Lithuania. For millions of people all over the world, it was precisely basketball that put the name of Lithuania on the map together with its star players such as Arvydas Sabonis, Šarūnas Jasikevičius, Arvydas Macijauskas, Žydrūnas Ilgauskas, …





The Kingdom of Lithuania was a Lithuanian monarchy which existed from 1251 to roughly 1263.


By the end of the 14th century, Lithuania was one of the largest countries in Europe and included present-day Belarus, Ukraine, and parts of Poland and Russia.



Lithuanian President












Essential Lithuania













Shall i?











Unseen Lithuania



